June 12, 2009

The Wicked Witch is Melting!

I nicknamed the tumor "the wicked witch" because that's exactly what it is: an evil, unwelcomed guest that's invading my body and causing all sorts of trouble. Unfortunately, it takes more than water to melt this witch!

This past Monday I had an MRI done to see the progress of my treatment and get a sense of how the tumor is responding to chemo. I had an MRI prior to starting chemo, so I was familiar with the routine. It's a face-down procedure where you lay on the table and place your breasts in two holes. The table then slides backwards into the MRI tube and you lay there for about 20 minutes while the imaging takes place. Headphones are worn to protect the ears from the loud noises the machine makes, and I got to listen to the sweet voice of Josh Groban.

I spoke with a nurse practitioner from my surgeon's office today about the results. Prior to chemo, the MRI detected four enlarged auxilliary lymph nodes under the arm, all of which have now decreased in size. The wicked witch herself has also decreased in size, and there is "no other significant enhancement." All good news!

Call me Dorothy if you want, but I'm on the yellow brick road to recovery!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! make that Witch go away.
We have to get you something in place of red sparkly shoes.....maybe a sparkly belly dance costume or hip scarf!